Sunday, November 15, 2009

About textual harassment

On the last show, we discussed how dating can have it's own forms of abuse. Demise from "First Time Caller" sent me the link for the ad about when caring becomes controlling. It's from the website and it deals with textual harassment , requests for pictures, constant IMs and texts. There is a whole new way for people to be controlled and harassed in relationships thanks to cell phones.

You can check out the video here and if you are a victim of this form of harassment, there is a whole lot of options that you have available to you when you decide to seek help.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Two Married Geeks Episode Seven

Hi everyone,

El and I know that this will not be an episode for everyone. We discuss some of the problems that people encounter that could result in an abusive relationship. This can be a touchy subject and a potentially dangerous one as well, but one that we felt should not be ignored.

We discuss what could constitute mental and psychical abuse and how to identify the signs. Since every relationship is different, we talk in broad strokes about identifying behaviors.

During the show, we list off some phone numbers and websites that could be helpful if you find yourself in an abusive situation. They are:

A non-profit resource

Rape Abuse and Incest National Network

Call 1-800-547-1649

National Domestic Violence Hotline

1.800.799.SAFE (7233) 1.800.787.3224 (TTY)

Anonymous & Confidential Help 24/7

Always keep in mind that you can talk to your Doctor, Clergy, or the Police among others if you need help. To our international listeners, I apologize for not listing sites to help you in your own country, but you could talk to the above mentioned people and they can point you in the right direction.

You don't need to stay in an abusive relationship. You deserve to be happy and safe. Leaving may very well be the most difficult and terrifying thing you ever do, but it will be worth it to put that part of your life behind you. No one should live in fear.

If you know of other places that should be added to our list, please e-mail them to:

you can also call us at:


the links will be posted on our blog:

If you think that this show could help someone, by all means burn it to a CD and have them listen to it.

Until next week, thanks for your support.